Yasutomo Hake Brushes
Yasutomo Hake Brushes
Your next favorite creative tool.
A Unique Tool to add to your Craft Box
These multi-purpose hake brushes have bamboo handles and a blend of natural sheep hair and synthetic bristles that are both thick and soft with minimal shedding. The brushes are made thick to provide a firm touch and greater water holding capacity. The hand stitched bambo handle can be permanently divided into smaller brushes by breaking apart the sections. They can be used with a wide range of media, perfect for any craft project you have in mind! A great tool whether you’re working with kiln wash, oriental papers, dust removing, or pottery painting. The list goes on.
A: 1” wide
B: 1 1/2” wide
C: 1 7/8” wide
D: 2 1/2” wide
E: 1” Student Hake brush
Material: Bamboo, sheep hair, synthetic fiber
Made in Japan